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Chamomile is a flowery plant that has been used as traditional medicine for thousands of years. Chamomile is mostly used as an herbal tea for its health benefits. The herb is known to calm, anxiety, stomach pain, period pain, and reduces the long-term risk of diabetes complications. Chamomile contains chemical compounds that may reduce inflammation that is an immunity reaction to fight infection. Chamomile is usually taking as a tea, and  is widely thought to help people relax and fall asleep. 


This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. The products on this website are not approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat or cure any disease.  You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals before consuning any of these products .


NOTE:  If you are on any presciption medications, please consult with your primary physician before taking these products or removing yourself from any medications.

Chamomile Tea

PriceFrom $12.99
  1. Reducing menstrual pain
  2. Treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar
  3. Slowing or preventing osteoporosis
  4. Reducing inflammation
  5. Cancer treatment and prevention
  6. Helping with sleep and relaxation
  7. Treating cold symptoms
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