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Burdouck-Root has powerful antioxidant properties including quercetin, luteolin and phenolic acids. Burdouck-Root is known to remove toxins from the blood and also to treat skin conditions. Burdouck-Root also tonifies the liver, kidneys, nerves as well as providing overall stability to the entire body, and expels uric acid. Our Burdouckroot Capules are 100% vegan and is good for those who are on a plant base diet.   



This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. The products on this website are not approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat or cure any disease.  You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals.


NOTE:  If you are on any presciption medications, please consult with your primary physician before taking these products or removing yourself from any medications.

Burdock-Root Capsules

SKU: 100-BDRC-175CC
PriceFrom $18.03
Price Options
One-time purchase
Burbock Cap Plan
SAVE NOW & GET 18% OFF when you subscribe monthly.
$18.03every month until canceled

Blood Purifyer

Improves liver function

Promotes healthy kidney

Lower Blood Suger

Reduce Inflammation

Regulate Diabetes  

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