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Try our 102 Rejuvenator Sea Moss Capsules an herbal blend that will give the body an abundance of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. This complete herbal suppelment has everything your body needs and more. With our 102 Rejuvenator Sea Moss Capsules, you will experience more energy then you ever had befor. You should now dive right into 102 Rejuvenator Sea Moss Capsules and give your body what its been waiting for!



Sea Moss





Sea Moss

Sea Moss a form of sea weed that is know to be the superfood of the sea. This superfood contains 92 of 102 minerals and is packed with a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the body need for daily function. Sea Moss has some beneficial health properties that can regulate blood suger, chlesterol , blood pressure, diabetes, stresslevels, and weight loss.


Bladderwrack/Fucus Vesiculosus, is a brown alge (seaweed) that grows on the northern Atlantic and Pacific costs of the US, and the baltic coast of Europe. Bladderwrack/Fucus Vesiculosus, has a high source of iodine that may helpe with thyroid disorders. It also shows a trace of fiber and is known to helpe relieve diarrhea and keep your bowel movements regular.


Burdock-Root, is a vegetable native to Nothern Asia and Europe. The Burdock-Root plant's has deep and long roots that varys in color. It is known to be a powerhouse of antioxidants, that can protect cells in the human body from damage free radicals. Burdock-Root most common uses for Burdock-Root is to purify the blood. It's known to remove toxins from the blood strem.


This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. The products on this website are not approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat or cure any disease. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals.



If you are on any presciption medications, please consult with your primary physician before taking these products or removing yourself from any medications.

102 Rejuvenator

SKU: 90-102RSM-200CC
PriceFrom $32.79
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102Rejuvenator Plan
SAVE NOW & GET 18% OFF when you subscribe monthly.
$32.79every month until canceled

Replenish Cells

Supports Weight Loss

Boosts the immune system

Rids the body of mucus

Improves lungs/breathing

Regulates blood pressure

Lowers cholesterol

Regulates diabetes Increases energy

Assists with allergies

Improves mental health

Decreases joint pain/muscle pain

Aids digestive issues

Increases sexual performance

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